Sarah’s Superb, Sensational, Scintillating, Sassy, Sensational, Sublime, and Swell Salsa

6-8 tomatoes, chopped ( I love fresh ones from the Farmer’s Market the best, but often buy a pack of Romas at my local Sam’s Club)

1 bunch cilantro, chopped

1 white onion, chopped (you can totally substitute with a red or yellow onion too- but fresh is always best)

1 jalepeno, diced with seeds in (add more or less depending on how spicy you want it)

3 limes, juiced

salt and pepper to taste

Mix it all together in a large bowl and it’s good to go. In the past I’ve also put 3-4 minced garlic cloves in it, but have discovered I like it better without, and my breath and fridge are less odiferous without it as well.

One thought on “Sarah’s Superb, Sensational, Scintillating, Sassy, Sensational, Sublime, and Swell Salsa

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