Random Pics from the Summer

Grandpa O on a BMX Bike
Starting way back in June, the boys started BMX racing. The whole family would come out and watch and cheer them on, on Sunday afternoons. Kev’s grandpa had to get on a bike too.

The girls watching the boys ride
My nieces and Selah and Rory hopping on the fence to cheer on the boys.

Girls at the BMX track
Facing Front.

7 Days, Day 3
Hangin’ around on the trampoline, you know, snapping self portraits…

7 Days, Day 5
Mom and Daughters date to Red Mango.

Family fun in Telluride.

Somebody had a ballet recital…


Bike date to the brewery with the hubby.

Hanging out by the Colorado River on the bike date.

Another Colorado River shot, in Glenwood Canyon on our first ever overnight date after having children. We went to go see a show at Red Rocks, and lo, it was grand.

Red Rocks…

More Red Rocks…

First time actually seeing a show at Red Rocks, Hillsong United.

Pink Streaks…

Selah learned how to ride a bike this summer, and now she wants to BMX race too…

Snail mail is fun!

Somebody is gonna be a stylist when they grow up!

Vernal pool exploring.

All the pools…





Halloween 2013

We’re not huge Halloween fans in this house, but we do celebrate. Usually this involves me throwing together inexpensive versions of whatever the kids want to be this year the day before or the day of Halloween. This year, Drew said he wanted to be Link from the Legend of Zelda (again) and I gave him a hard time about always choosing to be the same characters. So he decided he wanted to be a Minion (from the movie, “Despicable Me”, which I highly recommend, by the way.) I had to kind of chuckle about that, because I ended up being the one that bore the brunt of my own suggestion. I had to make the minion costume, and of course, he wanted the complicated one (although, I admit, I would have chosen the same one if it were up to me.) So what you see with Drew’s costume is in fact constructed by me. Poster board, a cheap plastic bowl, yellow spray paint, blue fabric, a black Sharpie, duct tape, a mason jar lid, black pipe cleaners, aaaand some good ‘ol hot glue is what’ll make an inexpensive (relatively) minion. I was still putting the thing together 30 minutes before we took off to go Trick or Treating. It was worth all the effort though.
As I was making it, Beau started to get pretty excited about it, and he said to Drew, “Dude! People are gonna love your costume! They’re gonna scream and say, “It’s a Minion!” To which Drew replied, “Nuh-uh, Beau! You don’t have the power to see into the future!” (These sorts of spats are pretty common between them right now.) Of course, Beau was right, and Drew got many compliments and people pointing and screaming, “Look! It’s a Minion!”

Halloween 2013

Selah is the Little Mermaid, Rory is a Fairy, Drew, of course, is a Minion (Paul, to be precise) and Beau is Jack Skellington from “The Nightmare Before Christmas.” (Which is as scary as I will let my kids get, for the record.)

Halloween 2013, Drew the Minion
A better look at the minion, if a little fuzzy…

Halloween 2013

Halloween 2013

Halloween 2013

It was pretty cold this year, and we didn’t make the rounds of our entire neighborhood (we never do) but a good time was had by all. I breathed a sigh of relief when all was said and done, and am now looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas- which are my favorite!